Heart for Hurting People
God is dedicated to his children’s transformation. We live to be God’s eyes, ears, and hands to hurting people so they may experience the life God intended (Isaiah 61).
Inner-Life Health
We desire all Christians to become spiritually, emotionally, and relationally healthy (mature). This all begins with a transformed heart (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Living Loved
Actively experiencing the love of the Father so we may love others well (John 15:12). Love is the measure of our maturity.
Tim Rule founded InnerLife Ministries in 2009 with a bold hope—that more people would experience the gospel in a deep, life-changing way. Over the years, that hope has grown into a ministry that has helped thousands find freedom, healing, and a joy in God.
Before starting InnerLife, Tim spent over 25 years with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ), a college ministry where he walked alongside students and leaders, helping them grow in faith. His passion has always been seeing real transformation—helping people not just know about God but truly grasp who they are to Him and the depth of His grace, forgiveness, and love.
“God brought me to safety, and through the community of InnerLife Ministries I was able to face those memories in the safety of His arms, and receive His healing and perspective.”
“One of the most important organizations for the 21st century Global Church!”
"It is the most comprehensive and Biblically sound material I have encountered, and is applicable to people regardless of their demographics and addresses a variety of issues."