Founder and Executive Director
I am Tim and I am the founder and director of InnerLife Ministries and author of Untying the Knots of the Heart.
My wife Renee and I created a grassroots movement in 2009, testing our ideas in what we called "Aphesis Groups," after we had been serving the campus ministry with Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) for 26 years. In 2021, we took all of our best ideas and launched InnerLife.
Many have told me I’m a visionary leader and a subject matter expert but I'm most passionate about helping others find spiritual, emotional and relational health.
I love spending time with good friends, cars, and going on adventures with my wife Renee. My happy place is when I'm with my family (my wife, 4 grown children and their spouses, and my six grandkids).
I love to wrestle and play with my grandchildren as well as sit and talk about life with others over a cup of coffee.